Coke Solutions

Want to Serve Coca-Cola® Products? 5 Questions for Getting Started

What to know before you choose Coca-Cola as a business partner

Offering your customers a globally recognized and highly diversified product portfolio like that from The Coca-Cola Company seems like a no-brainer, and Coca-Cola® strives to make doing that easy.

Elisabeth Sanchez, targeted sales supervisor for Coca-Cola Refreshments, says that Coke products can help businesses grow. "Coca-Cola has a range of products that help boost sales across the board," she says. "And Coke is not just a business partner. We're also active partners in local communities with outreach programs to support nonprofit charities, inclusion and diversity, as well initiatives that support a clean environment." And that's good news for every business.

If you're considering serving Coca-Cola products, these frequently asked questions may help you before you contact your local Coke representative.

Why choose Coke?
Coca-Cola products combined with The Coca-Cola Company's social media outreach, environmental stewardship and active participation in local communities create a powerful platform that helps retailers and foodservice operators elevate their presence and reputation with friends, neighbors and customers alike.

Do consumers really care?
The answer is a resounding "Yes!" Coca-Cola has an incidence rate 8 points higher than the closest competitor, according to research NPD CREST research from 2008 (Total Restaurants).

What kind of equipment is required?
Coca-Cola has a wide range of equipment that allows retailers and foodservice operators to turn virtually any space or countertop area into a profit center. These include high-profile coolers, traditional fountain drink dispensers, Coca-Cola Freestyle® dispensers, and beverage vending machines. Customers have several options when it comes to equipment based on volume, space and available hookups. Customers can use their own equipment if they choose or request equipment through Coca-Cola.

What else should I know about using equipment provided by Coca-Cola?
As part of its ongoing environmental stewardship efforts, The Coca-Cola Company strives to make all of its equipment as energy efficient as possible. As a result, electrical costs for operators can be lower than if using other, less energy-efficient types of equipment, since Coca-Cola equipment uses less energy.

How soon can I start?
In most cases, your Coca-Cola rep can evaluate your operation, formulate a business strategy with you, and request your equipment and products within 48 hours of your initial consultation.

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Published: November 16, 2015